Nandigama, Hyderabad, Telangana
The box compression tester determines the compression resistance of corrugated boxes and cartons. It is used for quality control and R&D. Its design offers to the user a comfortable and safe operating position with an excellent 360° visibility of the sample that is being tested.
The crush performance values of linerboard and medium relate to ECT but are meaningful to paper mills manufacturing this containerboard and the corrugator plants that purchase containerboard and run the board combinations needed to produce the required ECT values.
The edgewise compression strength of corrugated board is the principal element in determining the dynamic compression strength of making this property an important measure of the performance characteristics of corrugated board, Since edgewise compression strength can be estimated by a summation of the ring crush strengths of the liners and medium, this test becomes a useful one for the corrugated box maker.
The cobb tester is a simple instrument which measures the water absorptiveness of paper, cardboard and corrugated fiberboard under standard conditions. The water absorptiveness is a very important and useful parameter in the specification of paper and board for use in the packaging and printing industries. The cobb sizing test is used worldwide to test absorption or resistance to absorption of water, oil and other liquids.
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Sri Shastra Packaging Private Limited
HNo. 9-7 1 Sy No. 1375 to 1378 1411 to 1413 Mandal Shadnagar Rangareddy Hyderabad Telangana, Nandigama, , - 509228, India
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